Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Encourage Yourself!!!!!!!!

There is a song by Donald Lawrence that says, “Sometimes you have to encourage yourself,” and I find it difficult to do that sometimes. I am normally an arrogant person who is just all about ‘self’ but recently my life has been turned upside down and I have been on a humbling mission. I have learned to respect the opinion of others, I have seen the value in people and I now understand that I am not the center of the universe. But with all this knowledge and wisdom, why is it so hard for others to encourage you. Why do people point out the obvious? I never understand why people see a homeless person and say, “Why are you homeless?” The statement that should be made is, “Here is a fresh set of clothing and I will take you to a place that is hiring so that you can better your situation.” Instead, humans, never take the time to help someone. I find it hard to believe that we live in America, also known as the land of opportunity, and there is no opportunity. People play on the negatives and just brush past the positives. Look at President Bill Clinton, everyone remembers the story about the intern, but they fail to publicize the economic surplus. Everyone remembers the murder of Nicole but forget about all the games that OJ won. We can quickly recall the cases against Michael Jackson, but few can recall that he was the first World Icon (outside of Jesus Christ). The list could go on forever. The news is filled with all of the killings, robberies, fires, car jacking, and negative celebrity news but where is the positive stuff. Our society has become a society driven off of negativity but you would have to just understand that because we started in a negative way. How can you say in God we trust, but you force the originals owners of America on to reservations? But many people feel that we earned what we have, no we took it. So sometimes it is hard to encourage your self when you face our negative history or you just look around and see all of the negativity. I think the song should be rewritten and say, “All the time you have to encourage yourself.”
So people please take the time to be good to others and no matter how they receive you, JUST BE NICE! Smile at that stranger that didn’t hold the door for you. Wave at that person that cut you off in traffic. Like the person that actually took the time to research it, remember it takes 43 muscles to frown and only 23 to smile. When you are nice your day becomes more pleasant!

And this as on the mind of Ivy Thoughts,

If you’re not wearing green, you better be wearing Jade!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Like my Mother always says "Its just good to be nice"
