Thursday, September 9, 2010

Thank You

I wrote this poem and performed it at my 30th birthday party. I hope you all like it.

Three decades ago I was pushed into the world
I came across many of you
Who were confused little boys and girls.
I started an early journey of touching the lives of every person that I met
Some good, som bad and some ended in places that were hot and wet

I am proud of every mistake that I've made
They have taught me to be a better man.
I have even been shown secret places
That have revealed the dirt of familiar faces
But I hold it all in
Because to let it out would be a sin

I want to take the time to thank all of you
Those invited, and the ones you brought too
You all show signs of love that I could never compare
To our past experiences together, I'm just glad you care

I know at times I can be unbearable to say the least
But I am glad you are here because I come in peace
So finally I say thank you and I am glad you came
And remember all that you ask for, do it in Jesus' name!!!!

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