Thursday, September 23, 2010

It ain’t easy being me

I often wonder why people fail to understand
That love is a gift promised to every man
You can’t love me and not like me
Or hate me and try to pray for me
Just take me as me
The only me I can be

I fail to see why people say you’re not normal
When normal is simply the common type
I’ve never fit into that outfit
So why all the hype
I’m naturally me without any influence from you
I don’t walk around destroying individuals
Putting them into boxes
That’s not cool
Everyone is different
We’re fearfully and wonderfully made
It ain’t easy being me
But me is the only me I can be

I patiently try to understand you all
You people who judge indecently
Who say that I shouldn’t live like that
Or say that I’m not the person you thought I would be
You uphold a standard for me
And you truly fail to see
That perfection is simply the highest degree of excellence
Measured by man
A flawed example to me
So that’s why it’s so easy being me
Because being me is the only me
That I know how to be

So take your standards and live up to them yourself
Let me mind my own business if you’re not gonna help
You’re wasting your breath talking about me
So mind your own business and take your mouth off of me
Because it ain’t easy being me
With people out there being you
But me is the only me that I know how to be!

Ivy Thoughts

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