Saturday, July 31, 2010

Forgive and Forget or not?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?

So I have a friend who keeps saying things that I have not said. They add stuff to the small things that I do say and try to make it seem like so much more when it was nothing to begin with. I try to be nice and just keep my cool but today I snapped out in a nice way. I expressed my self by saying too much but not saying everything. After I had finished posting my information on the web I began to get calls from close friends telling me that I was wrong. I agreed with them but it was too late, I couldn’t take it back. I could click delete but the damage was done. I feel no remorse because I feel justice was served. It is wrong for me to feel this way and I know God will forgive me but I am not sure if my (ex) friend will. If I could go back in time I wouldn’t change a thing. Some things were shown to people and I hope it doesn’t change how they see me. I am truly a good person at heart but when I am pushed to my limit, I don’t know where to stop. I have learned tact but it is never understood by the object of objection. I mean only to enhance and not to destroy but the truth is never meant to comfort or to ease any pain, the truth is just meant to be. I do my best at being real but even God is rejected for the truth that he has set forth. But time heals all wounds and even if a scar is left the pain is no more. I pray that everyone learns to forgive but always remember the paths that you trod because the future is really funny about leading you right back down some familiar roads.

And this was on the mind of Ivy Thoughts

If you’re not wearing green, you better be wearing Jade!!!!!!!

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