Wednesday, July 28, 2010


Sometimes I try to figure people out. I wonder if they will be helpful or if they will turn their backs on you. You know that real people are the hardest people to come across. With everyone looking at what they can get out of a situation, instead of helping just because, it is hard to welcome everyone you meet. You have to look at the character of a person and see the environment in which they came. Then you can make a decision based on the actions of that person. Don’t judge a book by its cover because sometimes the best novels have the worst artwork on the cover. I found that it is through experiencing a person and entreating them, that you see the real them. I show myself as a faithful and caring person to everyone I meet, but sometimes I am rejected because I am blunt and honest and people can’t accept the truth. But the truth is something that is needed and it is always respected. So if you ever come across me in real-life, just understand that I see the truth. I am honest and I look for that in you.

And This was on the Mind of Ivy Thoughts,

If you're not wearing green, you better be wearing Jade!!!!!

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