Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Tick Tock

Tick tock goes the clock

The seconds just keep on passing

Growing older

A few of us getting wiser

As time refuses to slow for our sorry asses

Tick tock goes the clock

The minutes grow shorter by the day

In the mirror I look and now I see signs of gray

Tick tock goes the clock

The hours change just as fast and the seconds

Seemed like slavery was abolished yesterday

And now Hispanics are fighting to stay

Tick tock goes the clock

The days grow shorter by the hour

A woman’s love is sweet

But in my mouth has grown sour

Tick tock goes the clock

The weeks just keep passing me by

Pants hanging lower

Skirts getting shorter

Soon everyone will be naked, but Why?

Tick tock goes the clock

The months keep slipping my mind

Gays wanting to get married

And straits try to make it a crime.

Tick tock goes the clock

The years just blow in the wind

Listening to R & B music

When did it become a sin?

Tick tock goes the clock

And time keeps passing me by

Seconds, Minutes, Hours, Days

Weeks, Months, Years and still

No answer to why?

Ivy Thoughts

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